Use "feint|feinted|feinting|feints" in a sentence

1. Feint feint, preventing your target from attacking for 2 seconds.

2. Twice he made feints about seeking statewide office.

3. I think it is a feint.

4. Feint the east and attack the west

5. Lord George Murray's march had indeed been a feint.

6. He made a feint of working hard.

7. No.10 is striking a feint Ball.

8. The contest becomes mainly one of feint and counterfeint.

9. The fighter feinted with his right hand and struck with his left.

10. He feinted once, then, with great speed and strength behind the throw, hurled the spear.

11. They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.

12. 24 The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.

13. Make a feint in the east but hit in the west.

14. The sunset provision was just a feint to make them look affordable.

15. Make a feint to the east but attack in the west.

16. However, Gallade unleashes a Feint and in one hit faints the fire horse.

17. And while they feint at shadows, I will be busy with the substance.

18. Disguise Disguise your steps with feints that make the opponent blink, or which divert his attention elsewhere.

19. A feint retreat is performed by briefly engaging the enemy, then retreating.

20. 25 Striped in a tiger mask, he feinted across the counter at Melanie; she bit off an exclamation.

21. He made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.

22. The feint on the army's left flank was followed by a frontal attack.

23. As a rule of thumb, always use a rear foot kick after a feint.

24. Now they can a smaller more agile force, threaten, feint, and attack from another direction.

25. Neither Mukesh's new - found altruism nor his brother's religious feint look likely to sway the Court.

26. We adopted the strategy of making a feint to the east but attacking in the west.

27. The enemy was at first deceived by feint on Berlin, but not for long enough.

28. He produced a brilliant feint, passed two defenders, and smashed the ball into the net.

29. Prices only 4000 W, there is a feint, the price of only 2000 W.

30. With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple.

31. The boy made a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.

32. The boy a feint of studying hard, though actually he was listening to the radio.

33. Comment by Arador This actually reduces more threat than max rank feint for rogues (-1170 threat on Cower vs

34. • One might well conclude the dismissal was a feint, a hollow gesture to Allay perceived public outrage

35. The Fade effect on the Stealthblade will no longer trigger the cooldown for the Rogue's Feint ability.

36. I talked to every parent but her, and every word was a feint to conceal my obsession.

37. I decided to attempt disarranging the target troop in order to pull up a gap by feinting from a delusive direction in the manner of the wolf.

38. 24 The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts, change parts, detail, shadiness , feint, deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases.

39. Appel definition, a tap or stamp of the foot, formerly serving as a warning of one's intent to attack, but now also used as a feint

40. However, rogues get a talent to improve feint by 20%, which causes it to overtake Cower in effectiveness by a small margin (90 threat difference).

41. The 11th Army was outnumbered on the ground, so Manstein had them feint an attack in the north while the bulk of the force attacked to the south.

42. The interaction effect caused by "rebounding to pass ball"and"making a feint to the east but attacking in the west"can improve the success rate of "rebounding to pass ball".

43. 22 Only have the time in in the dead of night, I would remove the strong feint exhaustedly , scanning the mirror amid that distressed facial appearance, acquit own flimsiness.

44. After a series of adroit and nimble feints wherein the snake repeatedly struck, to miss him by a bare millimetre, he would dash in, seizing the cobra at the back of the neck to bite instantly through its spine.”

45. (baseball: illegal feint) (voz inglesa) Balk nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural

46. After minesweepers cleared a lane through Iraqi defenses, Missouri fired 133 rounds during four shore bombardment missions as part of the amphibious landing feint against the Kuwaiti shore line the morning of 23 February.

47. Barbarities of dress and speech, lapses in behavior-one horrible evening drunken Slothrop, Tantivy's guest at the Junior Athenaeum, got them both 86'd feinting with the beak of a stuffed owl after the jugular of DeCoverley Pox whilst Pox, at bay on a billiard table, attempted to ram a …

48. Operation Cockade was a series of deception operations designed to alleviate German pressure on Allied operations in Sicily and on the Soviets on the Eastern Front by feinting various attacks into Western Europe during World War II.The Allies hoped to use Cockade to force the Luftwaffe into a massive air battle with the Royal Air Force and U.S

49. Noticing this fact, and the position of the Senator from Bibb, who was doing his Agreeablest t o some of the ladies the Sena or from Wilkes took the floor, and bitterly denounced the feature of the bill ob jected to by the Senator froin Bibb, in a strain of eloquence not less fervid than feint, con cluding his einarks with a touching picture of